The 125 FPS Project is proud to announce 125 FPS October'14 QuakeLive Duel Season! As usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.

Live Report

 follow us on twitter for the current info from the report, also you can read news about our projects here

26 Oct

- playoff schedule

24 Oct
- D2: madball forfeit remains matches
- baksteen finally cant play this month and leave league. He will not have autoinvite to gs1 next season
- matr0x cant play this days and leaved league. He will not have autoinvite to gs1 next season
- A2: fearzzz passed to playoff, but unfortunatly cant continue to play this month and leaved league. thus nitrino passed to playoff instead of fearzzz


20 Oct
- GS2 announced, see "schedule" section

14 Oct
- rehepapp is leaved league, and was replaced with Germany twister

8 Oct
- we have new donators!
80 USD from khan
500 USD (!) from piskvorky
25 USD from Jesse - donate direct to oct'14 league prizepool

Thanks a lot, guys!
This money from first two donators will be spread not to league prizepool, but for other our events (showmatches, onemap cups, etc). Donators permitted me to do this.

7 Oct
- 125 FPS Oct'14 quali#2 sign up link , double elim, bo1 till the end
quali#2 slots are taken by nitrino, xron and base_

6 October
- cooller, gienon and winz cant play this month.
- p0ni and madball are promoted from gs1 to gs2 directly, to winz and gienon slots
- quali#1 slots are taken by agent and wolf_pl

29 Oct
- October'14 league is announced

Schedule and results

Qualifiers rounds, start at 21:00 MSK
06-10 Oct - Five qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1
players from qualification:
21 Russia agent
22 Poland wolf_pl
23 Russia nitrino
24 Ukraine xron
25 Russia base_
26 Russia fearzzz
27 Finland talex
28 Russia kidz
29 Poland sting_pl
30 Poland karwik
09 South Africa dopey
10 Ukraine laskiy

13-16 Oct - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 21:00 MSK, BO1, 3 pass to 2GS
13 Oct, A1: Belgium #1 dem0n, Norway plazma, United Kingdom #3 garpy, Russia #2 nitrino, Poland karwik, Russia base_
14 Oct, B1: France #1 sev3n, Netherlands #2 baksteen, Belarus _______, Russia #3 fearzzz, Russia kidz, South Africa dopey
15 Oct, C1: Sweden #1 spart1e, Russia #2 agent, Germany #3 twister, Poland matr0x_pl, Finland talex, Ukraine laskiy
16 Oct, D1: Poland #3 av3k, Lithuania guard, Germany #1 philian, Poland wolf_pl, Poland sting_pl, Ukraine #2 xron

20-23 Oct - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 21:00 MSK, BO3, 3 pass to Playoff
20 Oct, A2: Belarus cypher Sweden fazz Germany philian Russia nitrino Russia fearzzz
21 Oct, B2: Russia #2 evil Spain p0ni France #3 sev3n Russia #1 agent United Kingdom garpy
22 Oct, C2: Russia pavel Belarus clawz Sweden spart1e Netherlands baksteen Poland av3k
23 Oct, D2: Russia ash Belarus madball Belgium dem0n Ukraine xron Germany twister

27-31 Oct - Playoff, all matches start at 21:00 MSK

27 Oct 1/8: pavel 3-2 sev3n, cypher 3-0 xron
28 Oct: 1/8 evil vs nitrino, 1/4 fazz vs pavel
29 Oct: 1/8 dem0n vs spart1e, 1/4 agent vs cypher
30 Oct 1/4 ash vs <>, clawz vs <>
31 Oct: semis and final



Map Pool
Aerowalk, Cure, Furious Heights, Battleforged, Sinister, Hektik, Silence
For copypasting to ql console: aw cure t7 bf sin hek silen


Common Rules for 125fps events
- Players participating in 125fps events must record demos of all their games and save them for at least two weeks. The demos must be provided to the admins upon request.
- To participate in 125fps events players must have accumulated at least 3 days of playtime and 300 duels in their quake live account.
- During official 125fps cup matches players may request everyone to leave the server except for admins and streamers. Who is considered a streamer are decided by the admins.
- The 125fps administration reserves the right to make a decision based on common sense in some situations, even if the decision contradicts certain rules

League Rules
- Five qualifications (10 slots), double elimination, bo1 all matches
- 1st Group Round, 4 groups with 6 players (3 pass), bo1
- 2nd Group Round, 4 groups with 5 players, bo3, 3 pass,
- Playoff 12 players (1st places from gs2 direct to 1/4), single elim bo5, final bo7
- Droping of maps until required amount is left, then picking for the order. At final - cointoss winner pick first map, after this maploser pick next map.

Serverchoice rules:
- serverchoice rules for preventing highping forcerers (rus and eng) - here link
- If a player isn't present at the scheduled time to play his group and gives no prior notice, the 125fps team reserves the right to replace him/her with a player who is able to start playing immediately.


Auto-promoted to 2nd group stage (top8 from 125 FPS previous season)
Belarus cypher
Russia evil
Russia pavel
Russia ash
Francewinz is replaced with p0ni
Polandgienon is replaced with madball
Belarus clawz
Belaruscyber is replaced with fazz

Auto-promoted to 1st group stage (9th-20th from 125 FPS previous season):
09 Russiacooller
10 Russiayay0
11 Belarus madball (promoted to gs2 directly)
12 Spain p0ni (promoted to gs2 directly)
13 Norway plazma
14 Sweden fazz (promoted to gs2 directly)
15 Netherlands baksteen
16 Estoniarehepapp
17 Poland matr0x_pl
18 Germany philian
19 United Kingdom garpy
20 Belarus _______

+10 players from qualification:
21 Russia agent
22 Poland wolf_pl
23 Russia nitrino
24 Ukraine xron
25 Russia base_
26 Russia fearzzz
27 Finland talex
28 Russia kidz
29 Poland sting_pl
30 Poland karwik
09 South Africa dopey
10 Ukraine laskiy

+ personally invited:
31 Sweden spart1e
32 Belgium dem0n
12 France sev3n
11 Poland av3k
08 Lithuania guard
16 Germany twister

Prize Pool

Our October'14 Donators
31500RUR from Alexey A!
we have new donators!
- 80 USD from khan
- 500 USD (!) from piskvorky
- 25 USD from Jesse - donate direct to oct'14 league prizepool

This money from first two donators (khan and piskvorsky) will be spread not to league prizepool, but for other our events (showmatches, onemap cups, etc). Donators permitted me to do this.

Thanks a lot, guys!

Donate Manifest from AlexeyA:
"Hi everybody! My name is Aleksey. Beginning with February 2013 I am sponsoring the 125 FPS QuakeLive League ( and provide almost all of the prize money from my own pocket. Why do I do this? Because like many of us I played the first Quake and even Duke Nukem)) on lan during my childhood. Time goes by and Im a grown-up man now with all the obligations that come along with it. Yet still I want the Quake community to flourish and reward me and all fans of the game with great matches, tournaments, reports etc.
When there are no tournaments with prize money the interest of players and fans decreases and thats what Im trying to combat. Im sure Im not the only one. The community has a lot of adult, successful people, as well as many young people who fell in love with the game.
I want to ask the community to help build on the foundation I and the 125fps team have laid and increase the prizes in the coming leagues. Fundraising is nothing new and is employed to collect funds for all kinds of events. Im sure that many of you will be happy to chip in a sum thats admissible for yourselves and even happier to follow the tournament you yourself made a contribution to!
Below are various ways to donate money for prize funds of leagues.
The reputation of the 125fps leagues guarantees for a fair distribution of funds. I myself will continue to contribute about 31500p(~1000$) every month.
I propose the following prize money distribution (31500RUR + donations)
15% of the donations will go towards the organization and coverage of the league, in particular recruitment of streamers.
Additionally I suggest limiting the prize pool of every league by 3500$. If there is more than 2500$ worth of donations the surplus funds get transfered to the next league. The biggest donators will be listed below every leagues prize pool (voluntary).
The fundraising will start with the announcement of the next league."


Yandex-money 41001536914373
PayPal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (nico_qd's account)

You can discuss this text at the original post here


- Biiiig thanks to our awesome volunteers team
Europe - great stream and cast!
Russia elder_ru - great RU casting, every day, every event, thanks a lot! )
Russia cooke - great RU casting, with famous guests!
Russia ash - great, professional rus casting!
France lanf3ust - great french casting and web representation!
France kapiter - great french web representation!
Poland super_koziol - Stream's overlays and banners designer, my personal corrector for my poor english )
Russia Ukraine 125FPS team

Cup Admins: Nico, []34[], Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Streams:United KingdomZLiveRussiaelder_ru, Russia102
Links:Cup Website, mIRC #125fps

The 125 FPS Project is proud to announce 125 FPS September'14 QuakeLive Duel Season! As usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.

Live Report

follow us on twitter for the current info from the report, also you can read news about our projects here

17 Sept
- added some new strings to 125 fps events rules chapter
"Common Rules for 125fps events
- Players participating in 125fps events must record demos of all their games and save them for at least two weeks. The demos must be provided to the admins upon request.
- To participate in 125fps events players must have accumulated at least 3 days of playtime and 300 duels in their quake live account.
- The 125fps administration reserves the right to make a decision based on common sense in some situations, even if the decision contradicts certain rules"

14 Sep
- D1 tie: matrox won both and twister lose to both, so 2nd matrox, 3rd garpy 
- gs2 groups:
15 Sep, A2: Belarus cypher Spain p0ni Belarus madball Norway plazma Sweden fazz
16 Sep, B2: Russia cooller Russia yay0 Belarus clawz Netherlands baksteen Estonia rehepapp
17 Sep, C2: Russia ash Russia pavel Germany philian Belarus cyber United Kingdom garpy
18 Sep, D2: Russia evil France winz Belarus _______ Poland matr0x_pl Poland gienon

11 Sep
- C1 group - 1st _______ , 2nd cyber, 3rd fire_bot but he cant play next week, so rehapapp pass to gs2 instead of fire_bot
- D1 group today

9 Sep
- tie matches at B1 group for baksteen, fazz and razorback. baksteen won fazz, but now razorback will try to find his opponents during this week

8 Sep
some news
- guismo cant play his day and rest of week, so he is out and is replaced with... tadaam, Sweden fazz ! welcome and gl 

7 Sep
- gs1 groups
08 Sep, Group A1: Norway plazma, Belarus clawz, Ukraine xron, Poland gienon, France sev3n, Sweden zanzan
09 Sep, Group B1: Netherlands baksteen, Russia base_, Germany philian, Russia arseny_, Sweden fazz, Italy razorback
10 Sep, Group C1: Belgium dem0n, Belarus _______, Belarus cyber, Estonia rehepapp, Lithuania fire_bot, Germany zanes_
11 Sep, Group D1: Belarus madball, United Kingdom 3rd garpy, Germany twister, Sweden 108, Poland sting_pl, Poland 2nd matr0x_pl

01 Sep
- league is announced

Schedule and results opened=0}

Qualifiers rounds, start at 18:00 BST

1-5 Sep - five qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1

8-11 Sep- First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 18:00 BST, BO1, 3 pass to 2GS 
08 Sep, Group A1: Norway2nd plazma, Belarus 1st clawz, Ukraine xron, Poland3rd gienon, France sev3n, Sweden zanzan
09 Sep, Group B1: Netherlands baksteen, Russia base_, Germany philian, Russia arseny_, Sweden fazz, Italy razorback
10 Sep, Group C1: Belgium dem0n, Belarus1st _______, Belarus 2nd cyber, Estonia 3(4) rehepapp, Lithuania fire_bot, Germany zanes_
11 Sep, Group D1: Belarus1st madball, United Kingdom 3rd garpy, Germany twister, Sweden 108, Poland sting_pl, Poland2nd matr0x_pl

15-18 Sep - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 18:00 BST, BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 
gs2 groups
15 Sep, A2: Belarus1st cypher Spain 3rd p0ni Belarus 2nd madballNorway plazma Sweden fazz
16 Sep, B2: Russia cooller Russia yay0 Belarus clawz Netherlands baksteen Estonia rehepapp
17 Sep, C2: Russia1st ash Russia 3rd pavelGermany philian Belarus2nd cyberUnited Kingdom garpy
18 Sep, D2: Russia1st evil France 2nd winzBelarus _______ Poland matr0x_pl Poland3rd gienon

22-26 Sep - Playoff, all matches start at 18:00 BST


{spoiler title=VODs

Qualifiers rounds, start at 18:00 BST

1-5 Sep - five qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1

8-11 Sep- First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 18:00 BST, BO1, 3 pass to 2GS 
08 Sep, Group A1: Norway2nd plazma, Belarus 1st clawz, Ukraine xron, Poland3rd gienon, France sev3n, Sweden zanzan
09 Sep, Group B1: Netherlands baksteen, Russia base_, Germany philian, Russia arseny_, Sweden fazz, Italy razorback
10 Sep, Group C1: Belgium dem0n, Belarus1st _______, Belarus 2nd cyber, Estonia 3(4) rehepapp, Lithuania fire_bot, Germany zanes_
11 Sep, Group D1: Belarus1st madball, United Kingdom 3rd garpy, Germany twister, Sweden 108, Poland sting_pl, Poland2nd matr0x_pl

15-18 Sep - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 18:00 BST, BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 
gs2 groups
15 Sep, A2: Belarus1st cypher Spain 3rd p0ni Belarus 2nd madballNorway plazma Sweden fazz
16 Sep, B2: Russia cooller Russia yay0 Belarus clawz Netherlands baksteen Estonia rehepapp
17 Sep, C2: Russia1st ash Russia 3rd pavelGermany philian Belarus2nd cyberUnited Kingdom garpy
18 Sep, D2: Russia1st evil France 2nd winzBelarus _______ Poland matr0x_pl Poland3rd gienon

22-26 Sep - Playoff, all matches start at 18:00 BST


Prize Pool

Our September'14 Donators
31500RUR from Alexey A!

thanks a lot!

Donate Manifest from AlexeyA:
"Hi everybody! My name is Aleksey. Beginning with February 2013 I am sponsoring the 125 FPS QuakeLive League ( and provide almost all of the prize money from my own pocket. Why do I do this? Because like many of us I played the first Quake and even Duke Nukem)) on lan during my childhood. Time goes by and Im a grown-up man now with all the obligations that come along with it. Yet still I want the Quake community to flourish and reward me and all fans of the game with great matches, tournaments, reports etc.
When there are no tournaments with prize money the interest of players and fans decreases and thats what Im trying to combat. Im sure Im not the only one. The community has a lot of adult, successful people, as well as many young people who fell in love with the game.
I want to ask the community to help build on the foundation I and the 125fps team have laid and increase the prizes in the coming leagues. Fundraising is nothing new and is employed to collect funds for all kinds of events. Im sure that many of you will be happy to chip in a sum thats admissible for yourselves and even happier to follow the tournament you yourself made a contribution to!
Below are various ways to donate money for prize funds of leagues.
The reputation of the 125fps leagues guarantees for a fair distribution of funds. I myself will continue to contribute about 31500p(~1000$) every month.
I propose the following prize money distribution (31500RUR + donations)
15% of the donations will go towards the organization and coverage of the league, in particular recruitment of streamers.
Additionally I suggest limiting the prize pool of every league by 3500$. If there is more than 2500$ worth of donations the surplus funds get transfered to the next league. The biggest donators will be listed below every leagues prize pool (voluntary).
The fundraising will start with the announcement of the next league."


Yandex-money 41001536914373
PayPal This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (nico_qd's account)

You can discuss this text at the original post here