The Season #22 Pro-League is starting 12th January, with its 1st qualification

Some changes comparing to the previous season and full info about current season#22 (schedule, players, rules, prizes etc)  you can find here

No any yellow card during previous s#21, its good. S#21 champion is Russia evil, congratulations!

Our s#21 prizers are
1 Russia evil 27000 RUR
2 Belarus cypher  13000 RUR
3-4 Russia ash and Russia agent - 5000*2 RUR
5-8 Benelux dem0n Germany k1llsen France strenx Russia base_  1250*4 RUR

One more time big thanks to our sponsors for season#21 :
- Russia AlexeyA 50000 RUR
- Russia CWBH Bruceka 5000 RUR
Total is 55000 RUR (its about 890 USD)

As usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.

Live report
follow us on twitter for the current info from the report

28 February
- Season#22 finished, it was finally amazing playoff, congratulations to our new champion Russia cooller! Final standings you can see below, at "schedule and results" chapter. Next Pro League season (#23) will start 16 March 2015, welcome and gl.

20 February
- Playoff schedule and bracket are announced, see "schedule and results" chapter below

19 February
- D2, finally after tie matches 1st at group is clawz, 2nd pavel and 3rd ash,

17 February
- C2 group: strenx cant play this week, he is replaced with sev3n.

10 February
- A2 is finished, garpy is out (looks like tie, but garpy won 2-1 vs dem0n, thus finally he lose more maps than dem0n or madball)

9 February
- GS2 groups are announced, see below (section "schedule and results") 
- Poland x1ks got a yellow card (1st warning) for not playing his GS1 games and failing to inform the admins

5 February
- B1 matches are finished, 1st garpy, 2nd spart1e, 3rd fearzzz
- Group Stage 2 is finished, Poland x1ks is disqualified.

26 January
- GS1 groups are announced, see below at "schedule and result" chapter

23 January
- 19:00 CET Season#22 Pro League quali#6 sign up link  upd: Russia iddqd_ru and Ireland kronic

21 January
- 19:00 CET Season#22 Pro League quali#5 sign up upd: slots are taken by Sweden larslarslars and Kazakhstan prox1mo

19 January
- 19:00 CET S#22 quali#4 sign up link ; upd: slots are taken by prox_pl and x1ks

16 January
- quali#3, slots are taken by Russia fearzzz and Italy vengeur

14 January
- quali#2 sign up link  upd: slots are taken by Russia kidz and Belarus madball
- talex cant play this season (

12 January
- baksteen cant play current season (
- first personal invite - Russia cooller
- 1st quali reg link   upd: slots are taken by Russia arseny_ and Sweden fazz

10 January
- season#22 is announced. Some news comparing to previous season - -aw +ztn, and  - for bo3 and bo5 matches now players firstly pick map
bo3: pick pick, drop drop drop drop, pick pick pick   (gs2 matches)
bo5: pick pick, drop drop, pick pick pick pick pick     (playoff matches)
- unfortunatly Germany k1llsen skip this season, but he promised to play next
Belarus clawz is promoted to k1llsen's slot to gs2 (because he lost 2-3 at playoff, better than anyone else)


Schedule and Results

calendar for 7 weeks:
1 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
2 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
3 week: Group Stage 1: tuesday group A1, thursday group B1 
4 week: Group Stage 1: tuesday group C1, thursday group D1 
5 week: Group Stage 2: tuesday group A2, thursday group B2 
6 week: Group Stage 2: tuesday group C2, thursday group D2 
7 week: 1st day:1/8*2 2nd day:1/8*2 3rd: 1/4*2 4th day:1/4*2 , sunday semis and final

- 1-2 weeks: 12, 14, 16, 19, 21 and 23 January  - six qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1
12 Jan quali#1: Russia arseny_ and Sweden fazz
14 Jan quali#2: Russia kidz and Belarus madball
16 Jan quali#3: Russia fearzzz and Italy vengeur
19 Jan quali#4: Poland prox_pl and Poland x1ks
21 Jan quali#5:  Sweden larslarslars and Kazakhstan prox1mo
23 Jan quali#6Russia iddqd_ru and Iran kronic

- 3-4 weeks: 27 and 29 jan,  3 and 5 Feb - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 19:00 cet (21:00 msk), BO1, 3 pass to Group Stage 2 

27 jan  group A1: Sweden fazz #1 Ireland kronic #2 Spain p0ni #3 Sweden zanzan Lithuania guard Kazakhstan prox1mo
29 jan group B1: Sweden spart1e #2 Poland sting_pl United Kingdom garpy #1 Portugal ins Russia arseny_ Russia fearzzz #3
3 feb   group C1: Poland prox_pl Belarus madball #2 Russia nitrino #1 Poland x1ks Ukraine xron #3 Italy vengeur
5 feb   group D1: Russia pavel #2 Denmark larslarslars #3 Russia cooller #1 Russia kidz France sev3n Russia iddqd_ru

- 5-6 weeks: 10, 12, 17 and 19 February - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 19:00 cet (21:00 msk), BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 

10 feb Group A2: Russia evil #1, Belgium dem0n #2, United Kingdom garpy, Belarus madball #3, Spain p0ni
12 feb Group B2: Belarus cypher #1, Russia base_ #3, Russia nitrino #2, Sweden spart1e, Denmark lars
17 feb Group C2: Russia agent #1, France strenx sev3n, Russia cooller #2, Ireland kronic #3, Russia fearzzz
19 feb Group D2: Russia ash #3, Belarus clawz #1, Sweden fazz, Russia pavel #2, Ukraine xron

- 7 week: 23-27 February - Playoff, all matches start at 19:00 cet (21:00 msk) brackets here Season22 , at "final stage" tab

All matches bo5, final bo7, bracket
23 Feb: 1/8 Belgium dem0n 3-1 Ireland kronic , 1/8 Russia cooller 3-2 Russia base_
24 Feb: 1/8 Russia pavel 3-1 Belarus madball , 1/8 Russia nitrino 3-2 Russia ash
25 Feb: 1/4 Belarus cypher 3-0 Belgium dem0n, 1/4 Belarus clawz 1-3 Russia cooller
26 Feb: 1/4 Russia agent 3-0 Russia pavel; 1/4 Russia evil 3-0 Russia nitrino
27 Feb: 1/2 Belarus cypher 3-1 Russia agent, 1/2 Russia cooller 3-2 Russia evil, final Russia cooller 4-1 Belarus cypher

Final standings:

1st place Russia cooller
2nd place Belarus cypher
3rd-4th places: Russia evil and Russia agent
5th-8th places: Russia ash, Russia base_ , Ireland kronic and Belarus madball


Auto-promoted to GS2 (top8 from 125 FPS previous season)

1 Russia evil
2 Belarus cypher
3 Russia agent
4 Russia ash
5 Russia base
6 France strenx
7 Belgium dem0n
8 Belarus clawz (is promoted from gs1 to k1llsen's slot. k1llsen cant play this season)

Auto-promoted to 1st group stage (9th-20th from 125 FPS previous season):

09 Netherlands baksteen
10 Spain p0ni
11 <slot to quali> (clawz is promoted to gs2)
12 Russia pavel
13 United Kingdom garpy
14 Ukraine xron  
15 Portugal ins
16 Lithuania guard
17 Sweden spart1e
18 Poland sting_pl
19 Russia nitrino
20 Finland talex

! Players with auto-berth, please inform the admins about your participation

+12 players from qualification:
21 Russia arseny_
22 Sweden fazz
23 Russia kidz
24 Belarus madball
25 Russia fearzzz
26 Italy vengeur
27 Poland prox_pl
28 Poland x1ks
29 Sweden larslarslars
30 Kazakhstan prox1mo
31 Russia iddqd_ru
32 Ireland kronic

+ personally invited:
11 Sweden zanzan <Div2s1 champion>
09 Russia cooller
20 France sev3n

Rules and Prizepool
Rules for pro-league you can read here
Map Pool Bloodrun, Cure, FuriousHeights, Battleforged, Sinister, Lostworld, Silence
Prize Pool: 
50000 RUR = 1st place 25000RUR, 2nd place 12000RUR, 3-4th place 4500RUR, 5-8th place 1000RUR


League Admins: Nico, []34[], mikul, Xron, Green (search on [url=irc://]IRC[/url] or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Streams: ZCastsElder102teamFazz
Links:irc #125fps (or , channel 125fps), esr announcement

France strenx vs Belarus cypher



Maps: dm13 t4 dm6 toxicity t7 t9  aero
Prizepool: 70$ (10$ for every map) + donates. If somebody wants to increase the prize pool - you are welcome to donate!
When: 26 December (friday) 2014, 21:00 MSK (19:00 CET)
Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, Russia 102 , Russia Elder
Links: Announcement on the United Kingdom ESReality, announcement on the Russia

cypher won 5-2 strenx

cypher eared 50usd+21.5usd+10euro
strenx earned 20usd+9.5usd+4uero

we have additional donators for this match! )
- 30euro from Russia Anton, "A small donation for the players, can't wait to watch the match!"
- 14USD from Simo, "Strenx Cypher prize money"

thanks a lot, guys!

VODs (thx to kapiter for timestamps)
United Kingdom Zlive VODs:
Furious Heights
Vertical Vengeance
Lost World
House of Decay

Also in russian : Russia102

- 2nd Division for amateur players is announced, welcome and gl, all info here here   (thanks to enYoyka and twister for their help with translating)

- Info added to post about pro-league - about prize distribution 50K rur (25+12+4.5*2+1*4)

- Info added to rules - about punishments in leagues (yellow card, who get 2nd yellow card during 2 seasons - will get autoban for the next season)

site fixes and news:

- web-irc client is implemented to our site, for more comfortable players each other talking during playday

- statistic page is refreshed

- added menu item "About", where you can read some 125 FPS history and our goals.

125 FPS is proud to announce the start of a 2nd division duel league (Div 2) for those players who do not (yet) have enough skill or time to compete for money in the our main Pro-League.

Who can participate at Div2

In the 2nd league are allowed to participate:

(1) All players who took part in the current pro-season qualifications but couldn't win a slot.
(2) All players who couldn't reach top3 in the GS1 of the current pro-season (and thus can't continue to play in the pro-league this season).
(3) All players who want to participate in general - however players should not have an  ELO above 2200 (and as usual the quake live account should have more than 300 duels played and 3 played days in total).

In some particular cases 125FPS can allow players with 2200 ELO or more to play in the Div2 league as well as disallow players with ELO below 2200 to participate. All players, described in (1) and (2) are always allowed, regardless of their current ELO status as long as they do not have any restrictions or bans.

Div2 league consists of 2 group stages, without playoffs, all matches are BO3. The amount of groups and players per group is based on the amount of registered players. Presumably there will be 3-6 groups of 4-6 players in the first stage, and 1 or 2 of them will pass to the next stage. The second stage is supposed to only be one group of 6-8 players the winner of which will be proclaimed the winner of the Div2 season.

Maps: Aerowalk, Cure, FuriousHeights, Sinister, Lostworld

 After the official announcemen, players can connect with each other (via IRC, 125FPS admin or somehow else), schedule and play their games at any time they want to - they even can play all matches during one day. All results should be posted in Challonge by players only. There are 3 weeks for the first group stage. If someone misses his match or can't play it during the given period, he automatically gets a default loss. If someone gets a lot of default losses, he will receive a yellow card. Two yellow cards received in two following one after another seasons means auto ban for a next season.

Season#1 groups and matches results you can find here

The winner of the season will receive a special invite to GS1 of next pro-league season and all donations for Div2 (if there will be any). By default there is no prize money in the Div2 S#1 league.

Finally, Div2 Season#1 champion is Sweden zanzan, congratulations!

Admins:  irc канал #125fps Nico, []34[], xron (или This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)