125PLAs usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.
We are starting season#25 our regualr QuakeLive Duel Pro League, welcome and good luck!

We are trying a new way to choose the mappool from this season. The season#25 mappool is sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder and one of these maps: tox, dm6 or t4. The donators from previous season will have a chance to choose the last map until the 12th of July.). The choice will be made as following: if person A donates 15 euro, B donates 20 euro and C donates 100 euro, we will do something like "\cv random 135" (15+20+100), and the number will decide which person picks the last 7th map: 1-15 A, 16-35 B, 36-135 C. (See the discussion about this procedure here). For now only Poland omek is on the donators list with his 50 euro.

Live report
Follow us on twitter for the current info from the report

30 Aug
- PL Season 25 is finished, congratulations to our undisputed champion Russia evil
ESportActu links to twitch VODs with timestamps http://www.esportactu.fr/competition/2660-125-fps-juil-aout-2015/vod/ (playoff)
ZLive youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXAlKC-A0kw&list=PL37zHS9Suk9R787gJ2aL8srUSJ2rJUY6w
Flair's youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKcW_aeV4I&list=PL_DrHzPCin7HconCUA0MGd8dRY3kqZMy1
102team youtube playlist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGr1d5s_71o&list=PL81RL9OKZHKRdBbj9ctKEP-B49MA69bxL

10 Aug
- Group Stage 2 grous are announced, see below at "schedule and result" chapter. Fazz cant play this season, so we have one more slot, and this slot will be filled with 4th from D1 group 

6 Aug
- Belarus cyber dont want play this season and is replaced with Poland matr0x_pl

4 Aug
- Group C1 - kronic and st1ng didnt appear today and didnt note about this, both are replaced - with etty and funnyb. I think both will got yellow cards.

27 July
- gs1 groups are announced, see below at "schedule and results" chapter

22 July
- 20:00 CEST PL S25 quali#5 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KeGAsjYUxx

20 July
- 20 July 20:00 CEST - Pro League season#25 quali#4 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/odI0YXFEbU

17 July
- 17 July 20:00 CEST Pro League s25 quali#3 sing up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/LNYfojMdUW

14 July
- last map choice - kodisha and tebeg picked dm6, omek said he dont want to choose, thus finally last map is dm6, thus mappool for season25 is sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder, dm6.

09 July
- season#25 is is announced, current mappool is sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder and one of these maps - (tox, dm6 or t4, donators will chose last map till 12 July)
- All players who have autoinvite to season25 (see below) - pls confirm (or decline) your participation in the season25, thx.

Schedule and Results

calendar for 7 weeks:
- 1-2 weeks: 13, 15, 17, 20, 22 and 23 July  - six qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1. Sign up link to qualification you can find on our twitter in ~1h before cup start (or on esr post in comments, or direct on http://125fps.challonge.com)

qualifier #1 http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_q1 - maggotkil and nemesisfps
qualifier #2 http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_q2 - zznak and cherepoff
qualifier #3 http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_q3 - emmwatson and xron
qualifier #4 http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_q4 - zanes_ and st1ng
qualifier #5 http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_q5 - zanzan and iddqd_ru
qualifier #6 http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_q6 - unby and ins

- 3-4 weeks: 28, 30 July, 4 and 6 Aug - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO1, 3 pass to Group Stage 2

28 July Group A1: Germany k1llsen Poland karwik United Kingdom garpy Ukraine xron Belarus unby United Kingdom maggotkil
30 July Group B1: Poland sting_pl Denmark lars Russia base_ Sweden zanzan zznak Norway s8n United Kingdom emmwatson
04 aug Group C1: kronic Norway etty Russia nitrino Belarus mix_ Spain nemesisfps st1ng Swedenfunnyb Russia cherepoff
06 aug Group D1: Russia ash Poland matr0x_pl Belarus madball Germany zanes_ Russia iddqd_ru Portugal ins

- 5-6 weeks: 11, 13, 18 and 20 Aug - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 

gs2 groups http://125fps.challonge.com/s25_gs2_playoff

11 Aug Group A2 : Belarus cypher, Kazakhstan prox1mo, Russia nitrino, Denmark lars, Ukraine xron
13 Aug Group B2 : Russia pavel, Belarus clawz, Poland matr0x_pl, Germany k1llsen, Russia emmwatson
18 Aug Group C2 : Belgium dem0n, Russia agent, Russia base_, Belarus mix_, Belarus madball
20 Aug Group D2 : Russia evil, Russia ash, United Kingdom garpy, Russia iddqd_ru, Russia cherepoff

- 7 week: 24-28 Aug - Playoff, all matches BO5 (2picks, 2drops, 3picks), start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk)

125 FPS Pro League S#25 Playoff

24 aug 1/8: Russia base_ 3-0 Russia pavel, Belarus clawz 3-2 Kazakhstan prox1mo
25 aug 1/8: Russia ash 1-3 Belarus madball, Belarus cypher 3-1 United Kingdom garpy
26 aug 1/4: Russia evil 3-2 Russia base_, Russia agent 0-3 Belarus clawz
27 aug 1/4: Russia nitrino 3-2 Belarus madball, Germany k1llsen 1-3 Belarus cypher
28 aug 1/2 Belarus cypher 3-1 Russia nitrino; 1/2 Russia evil 3-2 Belarus clawz; FINAL Russia evil 4-1 Belarus cypher



Auto-promoted to GS2 (top 8 from 125 FPS previous season)

1 Russia evil
2 Belarus cypher
3 Russia pavel
4 Sweden fazz
5 Russia agent
6 Russia prox1mo
7 Belarus clawz
8 Belgium dem0n

+12 players are autopromoted to gs1 (top 9-20 from previous season):

09 Spain p0ni
10 Poland sting_pl
11 Russia ash
12 Germany k1llsen
13 Ireland kronic
14 Belarus mix_
15 Poland karwik
16 Belarus cyber
17 Sweden spart1e
18 Poland gienon
19 Norway larslarslars
20 <see invites below>

Players from qualifications 21-32
21 nemesisfps
22 Maggotkil
23 zznak
24 cherepoff
25 emmwatson
26 xron
27 zanes_
28 st1ng
29 zanzan
30 iddqd_ru
31 unby
32 ins

+ personal invites: 

09 Russia nitrino
20 Russia base_
18  Belarus madball
17     (spart1e cant play season 25)

Rules and Prizes
Rules for Pro-League you can read here
MapPool: sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder and campgrounds
50000 RUB = 1st place 25000RUB, 2nd place 12000RUB, 3-4th place 4500RUB, 5-8th place 1000RUB


League Admins: Nico, []34[], mikul, Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to admin@ 125fps.com)
Official Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, Russia 102team, Sweden fazz
Links:irc #125fpsESR post PlusForward post, FPSPulse post, GG.RU

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #7

Bracket: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup7

VODs: zLive, 102

When: 07 June, 17:00 CEST (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: Sinister, Furious Heights, BloodRun, LostWorld, Elder, Dismemberment and Aerowalk  (sin t7 ztn dm13 elder dism aero) (PL S#24 maps). Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 70 USD, 2nd place 30 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom zLive Russia 102
chat for players, ESR post

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #6

Bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup6

VODs: Russia 102 YouTube playlist, United Kingdom zLive twitch VOD

When: 31 May, 17:00 CEST (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: Sinister, Furious Heights, BloodRun, LostWorld, Elder, Dismemberment and Aerowalk  (sin t7 ztn dm13 elder dism aero) (PL S#24 maps). Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 70 USD, 2nd place 30 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom zLive , Russia 102
: chat for players, ESR post

random.cups smallQuakeLive Duel Cup, classic oldschool five maps, mapchoice as "\cv random 5" will pick map for you!

Bracket -  
VODs: Russia 102 Youtube Playlist

Belarus cypher (2nd place) for continuous blaming of the opponents and an early ragequit during the final - got a "yellow card" notice. Next time he will get a money penalty (if he will get to the prize range) and possibly a ban

When: 24 May, 17:00 CEST
Maps: Aerowalk, Vertical Vengeance, Bloodrun, Lostworld, Campgrounds (1-aero 2-t4 3-ztn 4-dm13 5-dm6)Mapchoice - \cv random 5.
Prizes: 1st place 70euro, 2nd place 30euro
Rules: Double Elimination, 
- Winner BracketBO1 till semis, BO3 WB semis, WB final and grandfinal(two BO3 if needed); 
- Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).
- BO3 mapchoice: for second or third map - if "\cv random 5" will give you the same digit as for first map - just do "\cv random 5" again and again till you get free digit.

Detailed our 125 FPS event's rules you can read here.

Links: Stream United Kingdom zLive, Russia 102,  chat for players, ESR post

125PLAs usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.
We are starting season#24 our regualr QuakeLive Duel Pro League, welcome and good luck!

Live report
Follow us on twitter for the current info from the report

6 July
- season 24 is finished, congratulations to our prizers and to our s24 champion Russia evil!

25 June
- Russia nitrino cant play playoff week and leaves season 24 (. thus 4th from his gs2 group Belarus clawz passed to playoff

15 June
- unfortunatly United Kingdom garpy cant play next two weeks and leaves league (. But we have 4 players from A1 group, who took 1-3 places (three players for 2-3 places), and now we have possibility to pass all of them to gs2, without additional matches.

4 June
- Poland as1c cant play this season, so he is replaced with Poland leszny

2 June
- link to gs1 groups at challonge http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_gs1

18 May
- 18 May 20:00 CEST - 125 FPS QL Duel Pro League Season#24, quali#1 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/0VFrsbwZkr

14 May
- season#24 is starting, current mappool is quakecon2015 duel maps +dism and +aero. so finally mappool is sinister, furious heights, blood run, lost world, elder, dismemberment и aerowalk.

Schedule and Results

calendar for 7 weeks:
- 1-2 weeks: 18, 20, 22, 25, 27 and 29 May  - six qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1. Sign up link to qualification you can find on our twitter in ~1h before cup start (or on esr post in comments, or direct on http://125fps.challonge.com)

18 May: quali#1 Poland gienon and Poland as1c, bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_q1
0 May: quali#2 Poland luukets and Ukraine xron,bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_q2 
22 May: quali#3 Russia st1ng  and Russia iudas, ,bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_q3 
25 May: quali#4 Poland Harry_Z_Tybetu  and Poland karwik, ,bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_q4 
27 May: quali#5 Belarus cyber and Russia kidzzz, ,bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_q5 
29 May: quali#6 Belarus mix_ and Sweden zanzan ,bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_q6 

- 3-4 weeks: 2, 4, 9 an 11 June - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO1, 3 pass to Group Stage 2

Link to challonge  http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_gs1

2 June Group A1 dem0n nitrino p0ni cyber zanzan inl
4 June Group B1 madball fazz lars karwik leszny st1ng
9 June Group C1 sev3n sting_pl wichtl gienon mix_ iudas_
11 June Group D1 k1llsen pavel xron luukets prox1mo hzt

- 5-6 weeks: 16, 18, 23 and 25 June - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 

16 June Group A2: cypher kronic p0ni pavel mix_
18 June Group B2: agent clawz nitrino sting_pl karwik
23 June Group C2: spart1e ash k1llsen cyber prox1mo
25 June Group D2: evil gienon lars fazz dem0n

- 7 week: 29 June - 3 July - Playoff, all matches BO5 (2picks, 2drops, 3picks), start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk)

s#24 playoff bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/s24_gs2_playoff

29 June : 1/8 Belarus clawz 3-2 Belgium dem0n, 1/8 Poland sting_pl 0-3 Sweden fazz
30 June : 1/8 Spain p0ni 3-2 Russia ash, 1/8 Germany k1llsen 2-3 Russia pavel
01 July : 1/4 Belarus cypher 3-0 Russia clawz, 1/4 Kazakhstan prox1mo 0-3 Russia evil
02 July : 1/4 Russia evil 3-0 Spain p0ni, 1/4 Russia agent vs 0-3 Russia pavel
03 July : 1/2 Russia evil 3-0 Russia pavel +1/2 Belarus cypher 3-0 Sweden fazz, and final Russia evil 4-3 Belarus cypher

Playoff VODs here, thanks to France infuscomus



Auto-promoted to GS2 (top8 from 125 FPS previous season)

1 Russia evil
2 Belarus cypher
3 Russia agent
4 United Kingdom garpy
5 Ireland kronic
6 Sweden spart1e
7 Belarus clawz
8 Russia ash

+12 players from qualifiers:

09 Germany k1llsen
10 Belarus madball
11 Belgium dem0n
12 <ash is promoted to gs2, Sweden inl here from div2s3)
13 France sev3n
14 Germany wichtl
15 Russia nitrino
16 Russia pavel
17 Poland sting_pl
18 Spain p0ni
19 Norway larslarslars
20 Sweden fazz

Players from qualifications
21 Poland gienon
22 Poland as1c
23 Poland luukets
24 Ukraine xron
25 Russia st1ng
26 Russia iudas
27 Poland Harry_Z_Tybetu
28 Poland karwik
29 Belarus cyber
30 Russia kidzzz
31 Belarus mix_
32 Sweden zanzan

+ personal invites:

12 Sweden inl (Div2s3 2nd place)

Rules and Prizes
Rules for Pro-League you can read here
MapPool: sinister, furious heights, blood run, lost world, elder, dismemberment and aerowalk  (sin t7 ztn dm13 elder dism aero)
50000 RUB = 1st place 25000RUB, 2nd place 12000RUB, 3-4th place 4500RUB, 5-8th place 1000RUB


League Admins: Nico, []34[], mikul, Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to admin@ 125fps.com)
Official Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, Russia 102team, United Kingdom Fazz
Links:irc #125fps, FPSPulse post, ESR post PlusForward post.
