125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #11

Sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/TzD0ruj6gr

When: 06 Sept, 17:00 CEST (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: sinister, cure, furious heights, bloodrunIntel, battleforged, elder and vertical vengeance (PL S#26 maps). Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 80 USD, 2nd place 20 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

1st Russia evil 80USD,  2nd Belarus clawz 20 USD


Streams: Russia 102, United States of America ZorakWar
chat for players, PlusForward post

125PLAs usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.
We are starting season#26 our regualr QuakeLive Duel Pro League, welcome and good luck!

14 Sept, Qualifier#1 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/RbLRzuT2ED

Mappool choosing
The season#26 mappool is sinister, cure, t7, bloodrunintel, battleforged, elder and one of these maps: dm13, t4 or hektik (upd t4 finally). The donators from previous season will have a chance to choose the last map until the 6th of September. The choice will be made as following: if person A donates 15 euro, B donates 20 euro and C donates 100 euro, we will do something like "\cv random 135" (15+20+100), and the number will decide which person picks the last 7th map: 1-15 A, 16-35 B, 36-135 C.
Finally for the current season we have a few donators -

04.08.2015 AsphyxEvents 50 euro (47,45) 3 191,64RUB
05.08.2015 fazz 25$ (23.60) 1 433,23RUB
10.08.2015 [ru] macovsky 500,00RUB
18.08.2015 WildHorse 35 euro; 2 467,71RUB
04.09.2015 frost_bite 40 USD

Finally frost_bite won lottery and choose t4 

Live report
Follow us on twitter for the current info from the report

- Season finished, congratulations to our s26 champion Russia evil, see results below at "schedule and results" chapter

Europe +forward http://www.plusforward.net/post/2873/125-FPS-Season-26-Sep-Oct-2015/vods
Europe zLive https://www.youtube.com/user/zootQL/playlists
France esportactu http://www.esportactu.fr/competition/2810-125-fps-sept-oct-2015/vod/
Russia team102 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBMH9NqWs6g&list=PL81RL9OKZHKQIWOG9XGp75fzzp_aYh8MC
United States of America FlairTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stErUk1KICQ&list=PL_DrHzPCin7G2uDvg4m4TGH6NARCBCGWH

25 Oct
- Playoff schedule is announced, see below at "schedule" chapter

12 Oct
- Groups Stage 2 are seede, see below

6 Oct
- Russia emmwatson cant play today, and he is replaced with Poland wolf_pl

5 Oct
- unfortunatly Russia real_grubby cant play few weeks, he is replaced with Lithuania fire_bot

28 Sept
- Group Stage 1 groups: http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_gs1
Schedule below, at "schedule and results" chapter

25 Sept
- last quali today, quali#6 sign up http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/XSHZaPDVBM

23 Sept
- quali#5 sign up http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/6Xshk124Ng

21 Sept
- 21  Sept 125 FPS Pro League s#26 quali#4 sign up http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/Skn1QlI44n

16 Sept
- 16 Sept 125 FPS Pro League s#26 quali 2 sign up http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/6Ctw3gEWMP

 14 Sept
Qualifier#1 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/RbLRzuT2ED  VOD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stErUk1KICQ&index=1&list=PL_DrHzPCin7G2uDvg4m4TGH6NARCBCGWH

Schedule and Results

calendar for 7 weeks:
- 1-2 weeks: 14, 16, 18, 21, 23 and 25 September  - six qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1. Sign up link to qualification you can find on our twitter in ~1h before cup start (or on esr post in comments, or direct on 125fps.challonge.com
14 Sept qualifier#1 http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_q1  winners are Spain nemesisfps and Poland karwik , VOD
16 Sept qualifier#2 http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_q2 winners are Sweden funnyb and Poland pikawa
18 Sept qualifier#3 http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_q3 hzt and stingerdndz
21 Sept qualifier#4 http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_q4 Ireland luke_ie  and Poland prox_pl
23 Sept qualifier#5 http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_q5 waro and real_grubby
25 Sept qualifier#6 http://125fps.challonge.com/s26_q6 pitchatan and xiphos

- 3-4 weeks: 29 Sept, 1, 6 and 8 Oct - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO1, 3 pass to Group Stage 2

29 Sep Group A1:    Kazakhstan prox1mo Sweden fazz Belarus mix_    Spain nemesisfps    Norway waro Germany stingerdndz
01 Oct Group B1:    Russia ash Ukraine xron Russia iddqd_ru    Sweden funnyb    Sweden pitchatanPoland prox_pl
06 Oct Group C1:    United Kingdom garpy Poland matr0x_pl Poland wolf_pl    Poland hzt    Poland karwik    Lithuania fire_bot
08 Oct Group D1:    Denmark lars Belgium dem0n    Russia cherepoff Ireland luke_ie    Poland pikawa    Netherlands xiphos

- 5-6 weeks: 13, 15, 20 and 22 Oct - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 

13 Oct,    Group A2: Russia nitrino    Germany k1llsen    Kazakhstan prox1mo Ukraine xron United Kingdom garpy
15 Oct,    Group B2:    Belarus cypher    Russia base_    Denmark lars    Sweden fazz Poland prox_pl
20 Oct,    Group C2:    Belarus clawz    Belarus madball    Russia ash    Lithuania fire_bot    Ireland luke_ie
22 Oct,    Group D2:    Russia evil    Russia agent    Poland matr0x_pl    Russia cherepoff    Belarus mix_

- 7 week: 26-30 Oct - Playoff, all matches BO5 (2picks, 2drops, 3picks), start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk)


26 Oct: 1/8 Russia agent 0-3 Belarus cypher, Denmark lars 3-1 Poland matr0x
27 Oct: 1/8 Russia nitrino 1-3 Russia ash, United Kingdom garpy 2-3 Belarus madball
28 Oct: 1/4 Belarus clawz 3-0 Belarus cypher, Germany k1llsen 3-0 Denmark lars
29 Oct: 1/4 Sweden fazz 3-0 Russia ash, Russia evil 3-1 Belarus madball
30 Oct: 1/2 semi Russia evil 3-0 Sweden fazz, Belarus clawz 3-2 Germany k1llsen, FINAL: Russia evil 4-2 Belarus clawz



Auto-promoted to GS2 (top 8 from 125 FPS previous season)

1 Russia evil
2 Belarus cypher
3 Belarus clawz
4 Russia nitrino
5 Russia agent
6 Russia base_
7 Belarus madball
8 Germany k1llsen

+12 players are autopromoted to gs1 (top 9-20 from previous season):

09 Russia pavel
10 Kazakhstan prox1mo
11 Russia ash
12 Denmark lars
13 Ukraine xron
14 Poland matr0x_pl
15 United Kingdom emmwatson
16 Belgium dem0n
17 Belarus mix_
18 Russia iddqd_ru
19 Russia cherepoff
20 United Kingdom garpy

Players from qualifications 21-32
21 Spain nemesisfps
22 Poland karwik
23 Sweden funnyb
24 Poland pikawa
25 Poland hzt
26 Germany stingerdndz
27 Ireland luke_ie
28 Poland prox_pl
29 waro
30 real_grubby
31 pitchatan
32 xiphos

+ personal invites: 
09 Sweden fazz

Rules and Prizes
Rules for Pro-League you can read here
MapPool: sinister, cure, t7, bloodrunintel, battleforged, elder and (dm13 | t4 | hek - donatos's choice, tba)
50000 RUB = 1st place 25000RUB, 2nd place 12000RUB, 3-4th place 4500RUB, 5-8th place 1000RUB


League Admins: Nico, []34[], mikul, Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to admin@ 125fps.com)
Official Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, Russia 102team, United States of America flairTV
Links:irc #125fps, United Kingdom ESR post United Kingdom PlusForward post, United Kingdom FPSPulse post, France ESportActu 

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #10

When: 09 Aug, 17:00 CEST (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder, dm6 (PL S#25 maps). Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 80 USD, 2nd place 20 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).


bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/sundacyp10

WB :
Russia pavel - Poland Karwik : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=8m10s]link[/url]
Russia Nitrino - Russia gedros : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=34m54s]link[/url] (ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH :p)
Russia Nitrino - Russia evil : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=39m54s]link[/url]
Russia evil - Russia baSe_ : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=1h34m13s]link[/url]
Russia pavel - Russia agent : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=1h6m1s]link[/url]

[hide=Final][q]Final :
Russia evil - Russia pavel : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=120m30s]link[/url][/q][/hide]
[hide=Lower Bracket Finals Spoilers][q]LB :
Russia agent - Russia baSe_ : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=2h24m42s]link[/url]
Final :
Russia pavel - Russia baSe_ : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=2h33m26s]link[/url][/q][/hide]
[hide=Grand Final Spoiler][q]Grand Final :
Russia evil - Russia baSe_ : [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deliberatemurder/v/10268708?t=180m17s]Russia 102-link[/url] - [url=http://www.twitch.tv/zorakwar/v/10272320?t=2h16m48s]United States of America ZorakWar-link[/url][/q][/hide]

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: Russia 102, United States of America ZorakWar
chat for players

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #9

Bracket: http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup9

When: 02 Aug, 17:00 CEST (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder, dm6 (PL S#25 maps). Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 80 USD, 2nd place 20 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

VODs: Russia 102 playlist, United Kingdom zLive playlist 

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom zLiveRussia 102
chat for players, +Forward 

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #8

Bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup8 
Demos http://www.esreality.com/post/2749900/cypher-vs-various/ 
VODs from 102 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxFwRYOsW5Q&list=PL81RL9OKZHKQGJsJMdDsc5XlfTYkq4mHu

When: 19 July, 17:00 CEST (18:00 MSK)
MapPool: sinister, cure, t7, silence, battleforged, elder, dm6 (PL S#24 maps). Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 70 USD, 2nd place 30 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom funnyb Russia 102
chat for players