125 FPS event calendar is implemented to our site

The calendar will be showing not only our league schedule but all additional events (showmatches, one day cups, etc.) organised by us as well.
We hope it will make it more convenient for both players and viewers to follow 125fps tournaments.

Maps:Hektik, Vertical Vengeance, Aerowalk (fazz's pick), Cure, Furious Heights, Battleforged (spart1e's pick) and last - Silence
Prizes: 70$ (10$ per map). If somebody wants to increase the prize pool - you are welcome to donate!
When: 8 november, 18:00 MSK (16:00 CET)
Streams: ZCasts, (elder, 102team)

UPD: we have some new donators for this match!
UPD2:match is shifted to 8 november 16:00 cet
UDD3: all maps for match are picked, read above
UPD4:Now match is finished

Results and VODs
 Fazz 4-3 Spart1e
ZCasts VOD http://www.twitch.tv/zlive/b/586583603
Ash VOD http://www.twitch.tv/102ash/b/586593258

Finally Sweden fazz got 134USD and Sweden spart1e got 100USD, congratulations

14$ eburbeck (as i wrote above) "A little extra money for the Fazz v Spart1e showmatch prizes and administration/production/beer. Thanks for all you do for QL :)"
20$ from K1smet " <>i refuse to belive it's dead! :)"
21$ from LotBlind "that's it! cheers"
1337RUR (~30$) from KB "I'm so happy you (the 125fps team) are keeping QL alive"
14$ from QuakeDied aka Skinny_Puppy " I sold my kidney to afford this. Good game guyz!!"
475.25SEK (~64$) from BaMoFu

thanks a lot, guys!

All quake fans who followed the most recent Oktober 125fps League have witnessed a great performance by the Swedes Sweden Fazz and Sweden Spart1e who both ended up in 3-4 place. In the group stage Sweden Fazz managed to defeat Belarus Cypher in a bo3 game and Sweden Spart1e gave Russia Evil a tough run for the money in their semi final encounter. However the Swedes didn't play one another during the season and we want to fix that! A show match has been announced for Sunday, the 9th of November. Our usual show match rules apply - 7 maps are played, 10$ per map. The games will be streamed by United Kingdom Zlive and hopefully some of the Russia Russian casters (elder, 102team).

Maps: Will be announced later. So far Hektik, Vertical Vengeance and Aerowalk (Fazz' picks). 3 more will be picked by Spart1e, the last one by us)
Prizes: 70$ (10$ per map). If somebody wants to increase the prize pool - you are welcome to donate!
When: 8 november, 18:00 MSK (16:00 CET)
Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, (elder, 102team)
Link: match page

As usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.

Live report
follow us on twitter for the current info from the report

22 December
- semis and final are played, congratulation to our champion Russia evil, Happy New Year, i hope we will meet again 12 january at next league, bb.

21 December
- quakelive.com is down, final day is postpone to 22 dec, 19:00cet

15 December
- match pavel vs strenx still wasnt played (, but both pass to playoff anyway. You can see final week schedule below, at "schedule" section. brackets here http://125fps.challonge.com/nov_dec14_gs2_and_playoff , at "final stage" tab

10 December
- unfortunatly Poland leszny cant play his gs2 group, and he is replaced with 4th from his gs1 group - Russia nitrino

9 December
- group C2 finished, 1st agent, 2nd k1llsen 3rd base. Its looks like tie-3 for k1llsen base and spart1e, but if count win/lose maps for this three player we can see +1 k1llsen +0 base and -1 for spart1e, so - spart1e out..

2 December
- gs2 and playoff at challonge http://125fps.challonge.com/nov_dec14_gs2_and_playoff
 we have new donator!  5000 RUR (~91$) Russia CWBH Bruceka


1 December
- gs2 groups is announced (see below)

27 November
- D1 group: prox_pl didnt appear to play his group, thus he got 1st yellow card and replaced with Poland leszny. Finally, strenx leszny and guard passed through D1 to GS2, gg. Strenx VODs POV from D1 matches : http://www.esportactu.fr/competition/1596-125-fps-novembre-decembre-2014/vod/

19 November

- France strenx is invited to GS1 group D1, he replace sev3n, who cant play this season. welcome and gl!

18 November
- group A1 http://125fps.challonge.com/nov_dec14_gs1_a1
-  А1 VODs

17 November
- GS1 groups are announced, see below

16 November
- Belgium dem0n is promoted directly to gs2, to the Sweden fazz's slot (unfortunatly fazz cant play this season)

14 November
- 19:00 CET quali#6 (last), 3 slots, sign up link http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/IKeziulDfw upd: slots are taken by Germany gekko, Norway etty and Russia kenny

12 November
- quali#5 sign up http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/EM70VHXSsV upd: slots are taken by Canada sparks and Russia base_

10 November
- quali#4 sign up link http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/m3E08ipqvk upd: slots are taken by Portugal ins and Lithuania guard

7 November
- quali#3 19:00 cet (21:00 MSK)  sign up link http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/abuQ1p8AJw , slots are taken by Netherlands baksteen and Poland prox_pl

5 November
- next invited player is Nauru plazma, welcome and gl
- 5 Nov, quali#2, bracket  , two slots are taken by Russia kiDz and Poland karwik

3 November
- 125 FPS Nov-Dec'14 League, quali#1, sign up link http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/br5Op1J4GK   Upd: slot are taken by Sweden zanzan and Finland talex
- next personal invite - Russia Cooller, welcome and gl

2 November:
- unfortunatly Sweden fazz cant play after 10 december, so he is out for this season (to his gs2 slot will be promoted Belgium dem0n or France sev3n (they both lose 2-3 at RO12 previous season)
- Poland av3k and Netherlands baksteen didnt play at gs2, so they doesn't have autoinvite to gs2

1 November: League season is announced

Schedule and Results

calendar for 7 weeks:
1 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
2 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
3 week: Group Stage 1: tuesday group A1, thursday group B1 
4 week: Group Stage 1: tuesday group C1, thursday group D1 
5 week: Group Stage 2: tuesday group A2, thursday group B2 
6 week: Group Stage 2: tuesday group C2, thursday group D2 
7 week: 1st day:1/8*2 2nd day:1/8*2 3rd: 1/4*2 4th day:1/4*2 , sunday semis and final

- 1-2 weeks: 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 14 November  - six qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1

quali#1, bracket , slots are taken by Sweden zanzan and Finland talex
quali#2, bracket  , slots are taken by Russia kiDz and Poland karwik
quali#3  bracket , slots are taken by Netherlands baksteen and Poland prox_pl
quali#4  bracket , slots are taken by Portugal ins and Lithuania guard
quali#5 bracket, slots are taken by Canada sparks and Russia base_
quali#6  bracket,  slots are taken by Denmark gekko, Norway etty and Russia kenny

- 3-4 weeks: 18, 20, 25 and 27 November - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 19:00 cet (21:00 msk), BO1, 3 pass to Group Stage 2

18 Nov, Group A1: Poland #2-3 sting_pl Spain #2-3 p0ni Netherlands #1 baksteen Poland karwik Sweden zanzan Russia kenny
20 Nov, Group B1: Germany #1 k1llsen Germany twister Ukraine #2 xron Norway etty Russia kidz Finland #3 talex
25 Nov, Group C1: Russia cooller United Kingdom #1 garpy Belarus madball Russia #3 base Denmark gekko Portugal #2 ins
27 Nov, Group D1: France #1 strenx Norway plazma Russia nitrino Lithuania #3 guard Canada sparks Poland #2 leszny

- 5-6 weeks: 2, 4, 9 and 11 December - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 19:00 cet (21:00 msk), BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 

2 Dec, A2: Russia #1 evil Belgium #2 dem0n United Kingdom garpy Ukraine xron Spain #3 p0ni  ZCasts VOD
4 Dec, B2: Belarus #1 cypher Belarus #3 clawz Netherlands #2 baksteen Portugal ins Lithuania guard
9 Dec, C2: Sweden spart1e Russia #1 agent Germany #2 k1llsen Poland sting_pl Russia #3 base_
11 Dec, D2: Russia ash Russia pavel France strenx Russia nitrino Finland talex

- 7 week: 15, 16, 17, 18 and 21 December - Playoff, all matches start at 19:00 cet (21:00 msk) brackets here http://125fps.challonge.com/nov_dec14_gs2_and_playoff , at "final stage" tab

15 Dec [19:00 CET]: 1/8 France strenx 3-0 Spain p0ni, 1/8 Belgium dem0n 3-2 Belarus clawz
16 Dec [19:00 CET]: 1/8 Netherlands baksteen 1-3 Russia base_, 1/8 Germany k1llsen 3-0 Russia pavel
17 Dec [19:00 CET]: 1/4 Russia evil 3-0 Russia base_,  1/4 Russia agent 3-2 France strenx
18 Dec [19:00 CET]: 1/4 Russia ash 3-2 Belgium dem0n, 1/4 Belarus cypher 3-2 Germany k1llsen
21 Dec (sunday [16:00 CET]): 1/2 Russia evil 3-2 Russia agent, 1/2 Russia ash 2-3 Belarus cypher, final! Russia evil 4-0 Belarus cypher


1 Russia evil 27000 RUR
2 Belarus cypher 13000 RUR
3-4 Russia ash and Russia agent - 5000*2 RUR
5-8 Belgium dem0n Germany k1llsen France strenx Russia base_ 1250*4 RUR

One more time big thanks to our sponsors for season#21 :
Russia AlexeyA 50000 RUR
Russia CWBH Bruceka 5000 RUR
Total is 55000 RUR (its about 890 USD)


Auto-promoted to GS2 (top8 from 125 FPS previous season)

1 Russia evil
2 Belarus cypher
3 Belgium dem0n 
4 Sweden spart1e
5 Belarus clawz
6 Russia ash
7 Russia agent
8 Russia pavel

Auto-promoted to 1st group stage (9th-20th from 125 FPS previous season):

09                        (sev3n is out, cant play this season)
10 Ukraine xron
11                        (dem0n is promoted to gs2 directly)
12 Russia nitrino
13 Germany philian ?
14 Russia fearzzz  
15 Spain p0ni
16 United Kingdom garpy
17 Netherlands baksteen didnt play at gs2
18 Poland av3k didnt play at gs2
19 Belarus madball
20 Germany twister

+12 players from qualification:
21 Sweden zanzan
22 Finland talex
23 Russia kiDz
24 Poland karwik
25 Netherlands baksteen
26 Poland prox_pl prox didnt appear to play his group, got 1st yellow card and is replaced with Poland leszny
27 Portugal ins
28 Lithuania guard
29 Canada sparks
30 Russia base_
31 Germany gekko
32 Norway etty
13 Russia kenny

+ personally invited:
17  Germany k1llsen
18 Russia cooller
14 Nauru plazma
11 Poland sting_pl
09 France strenx

Rules and Prizepool
Rules for pro-league you can read here
Map Pool Aerowalk, Cure, FuriousHeights, Battleforged, Sinister, Lostworld, Silence
Prize Pool: 
50000 RUR = 1st place 25000RUR, 2nd place 12500RUR, 3-4th place 4500RUR, 5-8th place 1000RUR
50000 RUR from our general sponsor Alexey A
5000RUR  (~910$)  from Russia CWBH Bruceka
thanks a lot, guys! 


League Admins: Nico, []34[], Xron, Green (search on [url=irc://irc.quakenet.org/125fps]IRC[/url] or write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Streams: ZCasts, Elder, 102team, Fazz
Links:irc #125fps (or webchat.quakenet.org , channel 125fps)

We are proud to announce 125 FPS Nov-Dec'14 QuakeLive Duel Season! As usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well. From this season our regular league will be held withi 7 week, not 4 as it was before, you can see schedule below. Next year the League will be most likely in the same way.

1 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
2 week: monday wednesday and friday - three qualifications
3 week:  Group Stage 1: thuesday group A1,  thursday group B1 
4 week:  Group Stage 1: thuesday group C1,  thursday group D1 
5 week:  Group Stage 2: thuesday group A2,  thursday group B2 
6 week:  Group Stage 2: thuesday group C2,  thursday group D2 
7 week:  1st day:1/8*2  2nd day:1/8*2 3rd: 1/4*2 4th day:1/4*2 , sunday  semis and final

Prizepool - 50000 RUR
Map changings: - hek +dm13

League will start 3 november, more info about schedule, players, maps, invites and other you can read at special post about this season.