125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #20

Bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup20
13 Dec, 16:00 CET 
MapPool: sinister, cure, furious heights, bloodrun, battleforged, hektik and aerowalk Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 80 USD, 2nd place 20 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Results: http://125fps.com/en/statistics?show=tourney&iddqd=311
VODs: http://www.plusforward.net/post/4184/125-FPS-Sunday-Cup-20/vods

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom zLiveRussia 102 , United States of America flairTV
Linkschat for players, ESR post

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #19

Sign up link will be placed here in 1-2h before cup starts.

Bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup19
 06 Dec, 16:00 CET 
MapPool: sinister, cure, furious heights, bloodrun, battleforged, hektik and aerowalk Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 80 USD, 2nd place 20 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom zLiveRussia 102 , United States of America flairTV
Linkschat for players, ESR post

hektikWe are continuing our tradition of running  "One Map Cups" for the new map from our current Pro League season  (#27), this time i am talking about Hektik.

28 Nov (Saturday) 16:00 CEST One Map Cup - Hektik, Double Elimination, all matches BO1, prizepool now is 140 USD (80 for 1st, 40 for 2nd and 20 for 3rd).

Bracket: http://125fps.challonge.com/hektik_oct2015

1st Russia evil 80USD
2nd Russia agent 40USD
3rd Sweden fazz 20USD

Database link: http://125fps.com/en/statistics?show=tourney&iddqd=309
Russia 102team http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL81RL9OKZHKQ-vJ_SQ8FrrktRw918t8bH

Detailed informations about the 125fps cash flow in 2015 can be found on this doc. If you guys continue to donate - we will continue to provide our tourneys. Welcome and thanks.

No bans at this moment, so everyone can participate, welcome and gl. SignUp link will be placed here few hours before the cup starts.

Links: stream United Kingdom Zlive, stream Russia 102; ESR post, FPSPulse post, our IRC.

125sunday smallQuakeLive Duel Sunday Cup #18

Sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/G8eq8VIefc

Bracket http://125fps.challonge.com/sundaycup18
15 Nov, 16:00 CET
MapPool: sinister, cure, furious heights, bloodrun, battleforged, hektik and <aerowalk> Mapchoice - drop first.
PrizePool: 1st place 80 USD, 2nd place 20 USD
Rules: Double Elimination, Winner BracketBO1 till the semifinal, BO3 WB semi, WB final and Grandfinal (two BO3 if it will be needed); Low BracketBO1 all matches (including LB final).

Detailed rules for our events you can read here.

Streams: United Kingdom zLiveRussia 102 , United States of America flairTV
Linkschat for players, ESR post

125PLAs usual huge thanks to our sponsor Alexey A from the Moscow region and to the rest of the donators as well.
We are starting season#27 our regualr QuakeLive Duel Pro League, welcome and good luck!

Mappool choosing
The season#27 mappool is sinister, cure, t7, bloodrun, battleforged, hektik and one of these maps: aerowalk, dismemberment, silence or toxicity. The donators from previous season will have a chance to choose the last map until the 9th of November. The choice will be made as following: if person A donates 15 euro, B donates 20 euro and C donates 100 euro, we will do something like "\cv random 135" (15+20+100), and the number will decide which person picks the last 7th map: 1-15 A, 16-35 B, 36-135 C.
Finally for the current season we have a few donators -

16.09.2015 Helm 21euro 1 501,03 RUB
19.09.2015 kodisha 20 euro 1 456,61
21.09.2015 Lu 100usd (95.3) 6 105,94
22.09.2015 Kirill 60euro (57.01) 4 080,41
24.09.2015 Oleg 33 usd 1 997,93
24.09.2015 flair 5usd 320,35
25.09.2015 Markus 100usd (95.3) 6 085,77
26.09.2015 [uk] baz0r 100 usd 6041,88 RUB ; UPD: donator's lottery WINNER!
30.09.2015 skint 14,4 usd 888,94
30.09.2015 omek 50+50 euro 7115,18 RUB
06.10.2015 AsphyxEvents 50 euro (47,45) 3330,98 RUB
18.10.2015 Z900 10 euro (9.21) 617,97 RUB
25.10.2015 tushar 90euro (85.69) 5672,06 RUB
03.11.2015 Cris 20USD (18.82) 1145,10 RUB
06.11.2015 Robert 5USD (4.48) 274,13 RUB

Finally United Kingdom blum won lottery

Live report
Follow us on twitter for the current info from the report

24 Dec
- two matches for today : 24 Dec: 1/4 evil vs garpy; 1/2 pavel vs (evil or garpy)

20 Dec
- Season#27 Playoff

22 Dec: 1/8 ash vs madball, garpy vs zanzan
23 Dec: 1/8 base vs prox1mo, pavel vs baksteen
24 Dec: 1/4 fazz vs <>; agent vs <>
25 Dec: 1/4 k1llsen vs <>, evil vs <>
26 Dec: 1/2+1/2 and Final

22 Nov
- group stage 1 groups are announced http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_gs1

20 Nov
-  quali#6 sign up link

16 Nov
-  quali#4 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/XfpFmF5fkO

13 Nov
- 19:00 CET Pro League Season 27, quali#3 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/rizt2gsEhO

09 Nov
- United Kingdom Baum, you won donators lottery, pls conact me, say your mappick from aerowalk, dismemberment, silence or toxicity
- unfortunatly Sweden fazz and Belarus cypher will not play season 27 (
- quali#1 sign up link http://125fps.challonge.com/tournaments/signup/LPnPk0VRLx

Schedule and Results

calendar for 7 weeks:
- 1-2 weeks: 09, 11, 13, 16, 18 and 20 November  - six qualies, 2 slots at every quali, double elim, bo1. Sign up link to qualification you can find on our twitter in ~1h before cup start (or on esr post in comments, or direct on 125fps.challonge.com
09 Nov qualifier#1 http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_q1  
11 Nov qualifier#2 http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_q2
13 Nov qualifier#3 http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_q3
16 Nov qualifier#4 http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_q4
18 Nov qualifier#5 http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_q5
20 Nov qualifier#6 http://125fps.challonge.com/s27_q6 

- 3-4 weeks: 24, 26 Nov, 1 and 3 Dec - First Group Stage (GS1), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO1, 3 pass to Group Stage 2

24 Nov Group A1: pavel prox1mo cherepoff arseny pikawa iddqd
26 Nov Group B1: dem0n base_ mix_ kenny zanes karwik
01 Dec Group C1: sev3n prox_pl baksteen real_grubby srst3s14 maggotkil
03 Dec Group D1: cooller xron fire_bot zanzan stingerdndz waro

- 5-6 weeks: 08, 10, 15 and 17 Dec - Second Group Stage (GS2), all matches start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk), BO3, 3 pass to Playoff 


gs2 groups
08 Dec Group A2 garpy agent pavel dem0n maggotkil
10 Dec Group B2 ash fazz base prox_pl sev3n
15 Dec Group C2 k1llsen matr0x baksteen zanzan iddqd
17 Dec Group D2 evil madball fire_bot prox1mo zanes

- 7 week: 21-25 Dec - Playoff, all matches BO5 (2picks, 2drops, 3picks), start at 20:00 CEST (21:00 msk)


21 Dec: 1/8 ash 3-1 madball, garpy 3-1 zanzan 
22 Dec: 1/8 base 3-1 prox1mo, pavel 3-0 baksteen 
23 Dec: 1/4 fazz vs pavel; agent 1-3 base, 1/4 k1llsen 3-0 ash,
24 Dec: 1/4 evil 3-0 garpy; 1/2 pavel 0-3 evil
25 Dec: 1/2 base vs k1llsen;  and Final evil vs <>


Auto-promoted to GS2 (top 8 from 125 FPS previous season)

1 Russia evil   confirmed
2 Belarus clawz   confirmed
3 United Kingdom garpy  confirmed (fazz slot) 
4 Germany k1llsen   confirmed
5 Russia ash   confirmed
6 Poland matr0x confirmed (cypher slot)
7 Russia agent   confirmed  (lars slot)
8 Belarus madball    confirmed

+12 players are autopromoted to gs1 (top 9-20 from previous season):

09 Russia <agent>    confirmed and is promoted to gs2, to slot 7 (lars is out)
10 Poland <matr0x_pl>  confirmed (and is promoted to GS2)
11 Russia nitrino
12 United Kingdom <garpy>    confirmed (promoted to gs2)
13 Kazakhstan prox1mo  confirmed
14 Ukraine xron      confirmed
15 Russia base_    confirmed
16 Poland prox_pl   confirmed
17 Lithuania fire_bot    confirmed
18 Ireland luke_ie
19 Russia cherepoff  confirmed
20 Belarus mix_      confirmed

Players from qualifications 21-32
21 baksteen
22 zanes_
23 arseny
24 ssrst3s14
25 kenny
26 stingerdndz
27 real_grubby
28 waro
29 zanzan
30 karwik
31 iddqd
32 pikawa
18 maggotkil

+ personal invites: 
12 Russia cooller
10 Russia pavel
11 France sev3n
09 Belgium dem0n

Rules and Prizes
Rules for Pro-League you can read here
MapPool: sinister, cure, t7, bloodrun, battleforged, hektik and aerowalk
50000 RUB = 1st place 25000RUB, 2nd place 12000RUB, 3-4th place 4500RUB, 5-8th place 1000RUB


League Admins: Nico, []34[], mikul, Xron, Green (search on IRC or write to admin@ 125fps.com)
Official Streams: United Kingdom ZCasts, Russia 102team, United States of America flairTV
Links:irc #125fps, United Kingdom ESR post United Kingdom PlusForward post, United Kingdom FPSPulse post, France ESportActu